File Structure
File Structure
$ tree -I 'docs|*bin*|*obj*'
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── hooks
│ └── commit-msg
├── Micro.Starter.Api
│ ├── appsettings.json
│ ├── Configs
│ │ ├── DatabaseConfig.cs
│ │ └── SlackLoggingConfig.cs
│ ├── Controllers
│ │ ├── WeatherForecastController.cs
│ │ └── WeatherForecast.cs
│ ├── HealthCheck
│ │ ├── HealthCheckController.cs
│ │ └── HealthData.cs
│ ├── Micro.Starter.Api.csproj
│ ├── Migrations
│ ├── Models
│ │ ├── ApplicationContext.cs
│ │ └── Weather.cs
│ ├── Program.cs
│ ├── Properties
│ │ └── launchSettings.json
│ ├── Repository
│ │ ├── IWeatherRepository.cs
│ │ └── WeatherRepository.cs
│ ├── Startup.cs
│ ├── Uuid
│ │ ├── IUuidService.cs
│ │ └── UuidService.cs
│ └── Workers
│ └── Worker.cs
├── Micro.Starter.sln
├── Micro.Starter.UnitTest
│ ├── ExternalTests
│ │ └──
│ ├── Micro.Starter.UnitTest.csproj
│ └── UnitTest1.cs
└── release.config.js
This is the project which is actually booted, once it boots, it configures and starts listening for incoming requests.
are where requests will land in, they’re not supposed to contain any business logic,
but rather extract data from requests and pass in to other services.
This project contains unit tests and postman tests for Micro.Starter.Api