Identity Config

Identity Config

This configuration configures auth service to behave in a different way in terms of user’s authentication,

This might be one of the more important configuration while consuming auth service

Available Configurations


This is internally PasswordOptions given by identity framework, it contains the following options:

  • RequireDigit: boolean (defaults to false)
  • RequiredLength: int (defaults to 6)
  • RequireNonAlphanumeric: boolean (defaults to false)
  • RequireUppercase: boolean (defaults to false)
  • RequireLowercase: boolean (defaults to false)
  • RequireUniqueChars: int (defaults to 4)


This is internally modified LockoutOptions (except for timespan), and here are the options it offers:

  • AllowedForNewUsers: boolean (defaults to true)
  • DefaultLockoutTimeSpanInSeconds: int (defaults to 600)
  • MaxFailedAccessAttempts: int (defaults to 5)


This reconfigures user’s ability to signup and here are the options:

  • AllowedUserNameCharacters: string (defaults to: “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789._”)
  • RequireUniqueEmail: boolean (defaults to true)


This configures ability to sign in with the following options:

  • RequireConfirmedEmail: boolean (defaults to true)
  • RequireConfirmedAccount: boolean (defaults to false)
  • RequireConfirmedPhoneNumber: boolean (defaults to false)

IssueForAudience: string

This doesn’t provide any further config, it simply sets audience for jwt

Issuer: string

Sets issuer for jwt

Audiences: IEnumerable<string>

Validates one of the audience while trying to access this service.

Note: this doesn’t apply to other services, you’ll need to configure each service for valid audiences